Our office will be closed from Wednesday (July 3rd) thru Sunday (July 7th). We will be open again on Monday July 8th.

Rosey is Determined to Run Again!

Rosey's Profile Picture
Sagittal MRI showing ANNPE

On 04/07/2024 Rosey stuck her head in a gopher hole during a weekend walk.  She jerked away quickly, yelped, and became non-ambulatory in all four limbs instantly.  On exam she was paralyzed on the left side of her body, non-painful, and unable to support weight on all four limbs.  An MRI of her cervical spine was performed, which showed evidence of a T2 intramedullary hyperintensity (pathology within the spinal cord) directly over the C2-C3 disc space.  A C2-C3 acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion (ANNPE) was diagnosed.  At her two-week recheck Rosey was already walking!  Way to go Rosey; you’ll be chasing gophers again in no time.